Talk about the various stories on Staggering Stories, from The Buccaneer Chronicles, The Triangle, Mr. Dalek, The Carrot of Doom Presents, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Xena, and so many more.
Head of Pertwee wrote:Never you're as much part of the family as George - disowned or Real Keith - soon to be disowned ( or shot again Hmm loads gun)
Do NOT diss George. You may think El presidente has all the power...but who is the shadowy figure lurking in, eh? Clue, it's not Hank Bleedin Marvin...
Mac (the Menlove Stokes of Dr Who music, apparently...)
"You can hear the whole of Human history in the sound of a cello"
Fear this shadowy figure of chaos... it's when you don't hear from George that you need to start worrying. Notice how long it's been since he's said that they've all done very well? He's planning something... nasty.... Just to nail my colours to the mast, (to avoid having my head nailed to the floor Pyranha Brothers-style) I say all hail Lord George Tarquin Lim Bim Bim Ole Ftang Ftang Bustop Biscuit-Barrel Lungbarrowmas Macfadayan..... sir.
Crawling over. Back to work.
It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.
Hmmm...I've got some Sci-Fi stories I've been writing, I might send them in, excuse spelling mistakes...I am human after all, I'll try reading through them just in case. I hope you enjoy them . They'll come in parts (I'll have to write the others so you'll have to bear with me for...maybe a few months).
Doctor Who, and SGU, oh (insert cheesy rhyme) WOO HOO!
That would be wonderful! I do sometimes feel that we neglect the site now that we are doing the podcasts, particularly as the podcasts are always bringing new people to the site. We lack new stories, in particular, I think.
So, yes, they would be greatly appreciated if you do decide to send them in and we can easily fix spelling errors and the like.